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The Japan Foundation Basic Japanese-English Dictionary
Author The Japan Foundation
Publisher Bonjinsha
ISBN4893580043 [COPAC, Webcatplus, Wikipedia]

Review by Mark Barton

Considered as an actual Japanese-English dictionary, this is very basic indeed and the student will soon outgrow it, but as a study aid it is truly excellent. Keywords are romaji and in alphabetic order. There are typically at least two example sentences for each word given in both kanji with ... read more

Review by Sean Holland

I was given this dictionary as a gift. Used it a couple of times; it's a good first attempt at making a Japanese-English dictionary for English speakers that is not just an alphabetised word list. There are example sentences, but not as many or as comprehensive as the example sentences one finds in a dictionary such as Kenyusha's New Collegiate. It is also a "basic" dictionary, as the title implies.

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