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Read Real Japanese
Learn Japanese as it's actually written
Author Janet Ashby
Publisher Kodansha
SeriesPower Japanese
ISBN4770017545 [COPAC, Webcatplus, Wikipedia]

Review of Read Real Japanese by John Reeves

Eight short essays by contemporary authors, together with notes, romazi transcription and phrase-by-phrase translations.

One of the few books available that concentrate on reading texts as opposed to simply learning kanzi. The translations prevent time being wasted on dictionary searches, allowing the learner to concentrate on the material. The notes are generally excellent, only occasionally lapsing into the "this is done for effect" variety of non-explanation. Suffers a little from being forced into the same format as the other books in the Power Japanese series. Since there is little repetition, it is difficult to pick up very much new vocabulary, but it is possible to learn a great deal about tackling "real" Japanese texts. Suitable for intermediate and advanced students.

☆ See all reviews by John Reeves.

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