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Random House Japanese-English English-Japanese Dictionary.
Author Seigo Nakao
Publisher Ballantine Books New York
ISBN034540548X [COPAC, Webcatplus, Wikipedia]

Review of Random House Japanese-English English-Japanese Dictionary. by Allan Brewster

Claims to have 50,000 entries. I can't vouch for their accuracy. Includes gairago. US and UK English spellings. Entries in romaji and kanji or kana, or both as appropriate. Entries are just word to meaning plus phrasal some combinations of words but there are no examples of usage. It's small, the size of a novel, light, easy to use, and cheap enough to carry around, get dog-eared, pour coffee on, and ultimately lose, because it can be replaced without breaking the bank.

The only objections I have about it are that it discourages one from gaining competence with Japanese characters and that the J-E section is in Latin alphabetical order rather than kana order. It's great for a beginner, but probably inadequate beyond low intermediate level.

☆ See all reviews by Allan Brewster.

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