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An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese
Authors Akira Miura, Naomi Hanaoka McGloin
Publisher Japan Times
CategoryIntermediate textbooks
ISBN4789007413 [COPAC, Webcatplus, Wikipedia]

Review of An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese by Charles Eicher

Intermediate Textbook, apparently designed to follow The Japan Times's Introduction to Modern Japanese. 15 lessons focusing around 'Culture Notes' covering topics like foreign exchange study, restaurants, giftgiving, sports, etc. Extensive dialogues at several levels of politeness in each lesson, with grammar notes and a lengthy written essay at the end of each chapter. Tapes are available (3914 Yen) and virtually a necessity (with the books focus on spoken japanese) although each lesson's tape is rather short. This is the most recent Japanese textbook I know of, first published in 1994, and is being used by several universities to `modernize' their intermediate japanese classes.

☆ See all reviews by Charles Eicher.

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