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Jiten Nihon no moji [事典 日本の文字]
Review by Ben Bullock
A fairly comprehensive book about the Japanese writing system.
Design series
Review by Ben Bullock
A series of about fifty books containing collections of kanji in various typefaces, one typeface to each book, to be used in graphic design. Some of the fonts are quite old-fashioned now. These are the books I copied for use in the sci.lang.japan FAQ articles about shotai.
Nan demo jiten series
Review by Ben Bullock
Manga style books about various topics including language.
Gojira no hon [誤字等の本]
Review by Ben Bullock
A book of deliberate kanji mistakes designed to trick the viewer into looking like real kanji by graphic designer Yuji Baba. For example, strokes are misarranged or small details such as the lengths of lines are altered. Each page features one jukugo consisting of two kanjis, and the reader ... read more
Kokuji no jiten [国字の字典]
Review by Ben Bullock
A dictionary of kokuji, kanji which were invented in Japan. It contains a lot of characters, many of which have no current printed form, and thus contains only handwritten representations of them. The book aims for accuracy and includes the sources of the research into the characters.