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sci.lang.japan FAQ book information and reviews
Remembering the Kanji I
A complete course on how not to forget the meaning and writing of Japanese characters
Author James W. Heisig
Publisher Japan Publications
SeriesRemembering the kanji
CategoryKanji learning - Joyo kanji
ISBNs0870407392 [COPAC, Webcatplus, Wikipedia]
4889960759 [COPAC, Webcatplus, Wikipedia]

Anonymous review

Uses a controversial method. The introduction makes the claim that about 2000 kanji can be `learnt' in about four weeks. There has been considerable conflict in sci.lang.japan and soc.culture.japan as to whether learning one English keyword for each kanji and how to write it constitutes `learning' ... read more

Review by Ben Bullock

I owned this book and found it almost completely useless. Many of the meanings, perhaps 10% or so, given by Heisig to the kanji are wrong or obscure, most of the mnemonics are not at all memorable, the indexing of the book is extremely shoddy, the ordering of the kanji makes the book useless for ... read more

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