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Gojira no hon
Japanese title誤字等の本
Author Yuji Baba
Publisher Kasetsusha
CategoryKanji for fun
ISBN4773501073 [COPAC, Webcatplus, Wikipedia]

Review of Gojira no hon by Ben Bullock

A book of deliberate kanji mistakes designed to trick the viewer into looking like real kanji by graphic designer Yuji Baba. For example, strokes are misarranged or small details such as the lengths of lines are altered. Each page features one jukugo consisting of two kanjis, and the reader has to try to work out which of the two kanjis is printed incorrectly. The answers are on the following page.

The first half of the book consists of the kanjis learnt at elementary school, the kyouiku kanji, and the second half consists of words made from the jouyou kanji list.

The book is fun to try out on Japanese people, and it might be useful for people practising their kanji writing and recognition skills.

☆ See all reviews by Ben Bullock.

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