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A Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese Grammar
Authors Seiichi Makino, Michio Tsutsui
Publisher Japan Times
SeriesMakino and Tsutsui's dictionaries of Japanese grammar
CategoryGeneral grammar
ISBN4789007758 [COPAC, Webcatplus, Wikipedia]

Review of A Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese Grammar by Charles Eicher

I bought the book, and have found it invaluable. Particularly valuable are some of the essays on topics like 'inter-sentential references' and analysis of complex sentences. It would almost be worth buying just for these short chapters. There are also very valuable appendices on compound verbs and compound particles, as well as summaries of conjunctions, pre/suffixes, and counters. And all this, in addition to the grammar dictionary (which, BTW, is nicely indexed with both volumes referenced in the one index, so you can just look in the one book).. Oh yeah.. one of my favorite aspects of this book is that it dropped romaji completely, all the examples are in kanji with furigana.

Get it. You won't regret it.

☆ See all reviews by Charles Eicher.

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