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501 Japanese verbs
Fully Described in All Infections, Moods, Aspects and Formality Levels
Author Roland Lange
ISBNs0764102850 [COPAC, Webcatplus, Wikipedia]
0812039912 [COPAC, Webcatplus, Wikipedia]

Review of 501 Japanese verbs by ep208-aa

I've been using this great reference book, called "510 Japanese Verbs." It's from Barron's Educational Series, and they have versions in Spanish, French, and other modern languages. It may look complicated at first glance, but once you become used to it, and learn the different forms of verbs, it is a great resource. This edition is by Roland A. Lange, and can probably be found in either a major bookstore, or a university bookstore. There's a section in the beginning explaining the different conjugations, and there's an index in the back. I don't know quite all the 501 verbs, but it's a great reference for those verbs that I do know.

☆ See all reviews by ep208-aa.

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