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Read Japanese Today
Author Len Walsh
CategoryKanji learning - beginner and intermediate
ISBN0804804966 (softcover) [COPAC, Webcatplus, Wikipedia]

Review of Read Japanese Today by Khadejah J. Dein

For under $10.00 US, it will give you a taste of Kanji origins, pronunciation, compounds, usages, and mnemonic devices to help you remember. If you find that learning Kanji is helping you understand spoken Japanese (or at least making it more fun - learning is always more fun when you really start to *get it*), then you can graduate to books geared toward more complex Kanji. If not, you haven't made too large of an investment and if you ever end up visiting Japan, you can make sense of the signs. ;-)

Anyway, it's really working for me and I find that since I've started learning basic Kanji, I've actually wanted to devote more time to grammar and ear training.

☆ See all reviews by Khadejah J. Dein.

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