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Strange but True : A True-Life Japanese Reader
Author Tom Gally
Publisher Kodansha
SeriesPower Japanese
ISBN4770020570 [COPAC, Webcatplus, Wikipedia]

Review of Strange but True : A True-Life Japanese Reader by Jrg Richter

I bought the book because after a year of learning Japanese I wanted to try a jump into the cold water of a "real" Japanese text.

I have finished the first story of the book which took me several hours (yeah, the water was really cold!). For my level of Japanese the explanations were very good. The author explains

All in all it was the information that I needed to get through the text which was high above my level of Japanese (i.e. to keep my head more or less above the water's surface). Good book!

☆ See all reviews by Jrg Richter.

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