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Koji Kotowaza Jiten
Publisher Obunsha
CategoriesIdioms and proverbs

Review of Koji Kotowaza Jiten by Maiko Covington

This is a small green dictionary (at least MY edition is green - they may have changed it) of proverbs. The proverbs are all explained in Japanese with example sentences for each one. Proverbs that are derived from English ones, and proverbs that just happen to correspond really closely to some English idiom have the English idiom given in the entry too. Good way for me to learn some really wierd idioms. Really, some of them in there I've never even HEARD of or imagined anything so funny. I got this for my birthday. It is good for spicing up speeches, I guess. That's what it says in the introduction. ^_^

☆ See all reviews by Maiko Covington.

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