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sci.lang.japan FAQ book information and reviews
Japanese: A Comprehensive Grammar
Authors Stefan Kaiser, Yasuko Ichikawa, Noriko Kobayashi, Hilofumi Yamamoto
Publisher Routledge
ISBNs041509920X [COPAC, Webcatplus, Wikipedia]
0415099196 (hardcover) [COPAC, Webcatplus, Wikipedia]

Review of Japanese: A Comprehensive Grammar by Josh Hale

It has several useful indices. I started reading Manga with the help of this grammar guide. Every now and again there is some grammar you might expect to find in it missing, but there are so many contractions and peculiarities in Japanese that you could never hope to find a *complete* reference. One of the really good things about this book is that they have a comprehensive grammar explanation too. I always found it problematic the way there are a thousand different names for all the conjugations in Japanese, and could never understand an explanation that used technical jargon like copula, gerund, horative, intransitive and so on... in general you can find an explanation of any grammatical term they use in the book.

☆ See all reviews by Josh Hale.

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