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Principles of Japanese discourse
Author Senko Maynard
Publisher Cambridge University Press
ISBN0521599091 [COPAC, Webcatplus, Wikipedia]

Review of Principles of Japanese discourse by Publisher

This is the first book on Japanese rhetorical style and strategy ever made available for English readers. Professor Maynard presents, in thirty entries, clear explication of Japanese discourse organization and detailed analysis of the rhetorical strategies used. Also included are practice readings selected from contemporary Japanese discourse, including essays, newspaper columns, a short story, a comic and an advertisement, with translations and wordlists. A helpful self-study guide, it is also an excellent reference source for students and instructors of Japanese. Contents

Preface; Introduction; To the instructors; Part I. Preliminaries: 1. Beyond the sentence: discourse and bunshoo; 2. Rhetoric and culture; 3. Written, spoken and in-between; 4. Style distinction: da, desu/masu and dearu; Part II. Principles: 5. Rhetorical organization; 6. Rhetorical strategies; Part III. Selected Readings: 7. Prelude: on reading different genres of contemporary Japanese texts; 8. Reading Japanese texts; 9-15. R1-R7; Appendix; References; Index.

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