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Watashi No Nihon book 3
Authors Kumi Kato, Donna Weeks, Judy Viney
Publisher Tuttle
SeriesTuttle Activity Books for Young Learners
CategoryTextbooks for children
ISBN0804820112 [COPAC, Webcatplus, Wikipedia]

Review of Watashi No Nihon book 3 by Charles E. Tuttle catalogue

Tuttle's Watashi no Nihon textbook series gives young learners a look at different aspects of Japanese life through colorful photos and creative activities. Topics are suited to young learners' interests while providing balanced, accurate insight into both contemporary and traditional Japan. Stimulating students' prior knowledge of topics and of the Japanese language, the series motivates further learning through involvement in exercises designed to integrate language and culture. Games, cartoons, quizzes, and other fun exercises motivate students in their language learning. The result is an introduction to Japan and Japanese that is timely, educational, and fun. Using authentic visual resources to establish a stimulating learning environment, this series is particularly helpful for teaching outside of Japan.

The third book in the series, My Day in Tokyo, is an educational tour of Japan's largest city, introducing students to the vast transportation system, as well as to many of the sights, shops, and events that make the city famous.

Kumi Kato, Donna Weeks, and Judy Viney are senior researchers at the Key Centre for Asian Languages and Studies at the University of Queensland in Australia. Their extensive background in teaching, resource development, and teacher education is readily apparent in this exciting new series of Japanese textbooks for young learners.

☆ See all reviews by Charles E. Tuttle catalogue.

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