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Kanji Power Handbook for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test
Publisher ALC
CategoryJapanese language proficiency test
ISBN487234341X [COPAC, Webcatplus, Wikipedia]

Review of Kanji Power Handbook for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test by Tammy Morimoto

Lists all kanji characters used in all 4 levels of the test. Kanji are listed in aiueo order, under both kun and on readings. Each listing gives alternate readings for the character, the level test the character appears in, meaning of the character (in English, Chinese and Korean) and sample words and phrases using the character, with the reading it's listed under.

Appendixes in the back of the book give interesting information about history of and rules for use of kanji... (in Japanese only); as well as lists of kanji used in people names; place names; and common Japanese words which share a common pronunciation, and often a similar meaning, but differ in kanji. (I like to refer to these as "commonly miskanji-ed words".)

Also included are radical and stroke count indexes, so book can easily be used as a kanji dictionary.

☆ See all reviews by Tammy Morimoto.

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