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The Magical Power Of Suru - Japanese Verbs Made Easy
Author Nobuo Sato
Publisher Tuttle
ISBN0804820252 [COPAC, Webcatplus, Wikipedia]

Review of The Magical Power Of Suru - Japanese Verbs Made Easy by Charles E. Tuttle catalogue

Verb conjugation can be a daunting obstacle in the path to mastery of the Japanese language. Learning to use "suru compound verbs," however, is an easy detour around this difficulty which exponentially increases vocabulary and makes the speaker sound more like a native. Suru, meaning "to do", is combined with nouns, adverbs, onomatopoeic expressions, and even foreign loanwords to form hundreds of compound verbs. Mastery of this single verb is the key to a whole world of actions. The Magical Power of Suru introduces the compounds verbs, explaining structure and illustrating usage with lively sample sentences and colloquial dialogues. All examples are rendered in both Japanese kanji and kana and easy-to-read romanization. The appendix, containing more than 300 compound -suru verbs is a quick and easy reference. The only book of its kind on the market, The Magical Power of Suru is perfect for language students at any level.

☆ See all reviews by Charles E. Tuttle catalogue.

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