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Understanding Japanese Information Processing (UJIP)
Author Ken Lunde
Publisher O'Reilly and Associates
ISBN1565920430 [COPAC, Webcatplus, Wikipedia]

Review of Understanding Japanese Information Processing (UJIP) by Rafael Santos

"Understanding Japanese Information Processing" is a book that provides detailed information on all aspects of handling Japanese text on computer systems. It tries to bring all of the relevant information together in a single book. It covers everything from the origins of modern-day Japanese to the latest information on specific emerging computer encoding standards. Topics covered includes: The Japanese writing system, Japanese character set standards, Japanese encoding methods, Japanese input, Japanese output, Japanese code conversion techniques, Japanese code and text processing tools, Japanese e-mail. In addition, there are over 15 appendices which provide additional reference material, such as a code conversion table, character set tables, mapping tables, an extensive list of software sources, a glossary, and much more.

☆ See all reviews by Rafael Santos.

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