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Japanese Language and People
Authors Richard Smith, Brian Moeran, Trevor Hughes-Parry, Lucy Su
Publisher BBC Consumer Publishing
CategoryBeginner and elementary self-study and workbooks
ISBNs0563215291 [COPAC, Webcatplus, Wikipedia]
0563519495 [COPAC, Webcatplus, Wikipedia]

Review of Japanese Language and People by publisher

Together with five audio cassettes, this book offers the beginner a course in the necessary skills for communication at a basic level in spoken Japanese. It also provides an introduction to the written language and insights into contemporary Japanese society. Cultural comment and language practice go hand-in-hand with units focusing on distinct themes such as family, work, education, travel and leisure. Whilst the course is suitable for the motivated learner going to Japan on business or on holiday, the approach adopted is also intended to appeal to those with a more general interest in the country and its language.

☆ See all reviews by publisher.

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