Can a word have mixed on and kun readings?

A "yutō".

In Japanese, words often have readings which are made by combining an on-yomi (音読み), or Sino-Japanese reading, and a kun-yomi (訓読み), or native Japanese reading. See Why do have several different pronunciations? These kinds of readings are named after examples of the words themselves:

yutō yomi (湯桶読み)
In the word yutō (湯桶) [hot water bucket], the yu reading of 湯 is a kun-yomi, but the reading of 桶 is an on-yomi.
jūbako yomi (重箱読み)
In the word jūbako (重箱), [nested boxes], the reading of 重 is an on-yomi, but the bako (from hako) reading of 箱 is a kun-yomi.

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