Click on a symbol to find it:
The following list of symbols comes from two sources. One is the Geospatial Information Authority (formerly the Geographical Survey Institute) of Japan, Kokudo Chiri-in (国土地理院). The other is the Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB), Denpa Sangyō-Kai (電波産業会). These two standards vary in details, for example they have a different symbol for "Post Office": GSI post office symbol and ARIB post office symbol
Symbol | Meaning (English) | Meaning (Japanese) | Nearest Unicode symbol | Description of symbol | Standard |
Lighthouse | 灯台 | 26EF | rays | GSI, ARIB | |
Police station | 警察署 | 2B59 | Diagonal cross in circle | GSI, ARIB | |
Police box (Koban) | 交番 | 2613 | Diagonal cross | GSI, ARIB | |
Public health centre | 保健所 | Greek cross in circle | GSI | ||
Hospital | 病院 | 26E8 | Greek cross in shield | GSI, ARIB | |
Fire station (GSI) | 消防署 | Stylized sasumata (さすまた), a tool used to put out fires | GSI | ||
Fire station (ARIB) | 消防署 | 328B | Circled kanji "fire" | ARIB | |
Factory | 工場 | 26ED | A stylized gear wheel | GSI, ARIB | |
Power plant, Power substation | 発電所 変電所 | 26EE | Gear with handles | GSI, ARIB | |
Wind turbine | 風車 風力原動機 | A stylized picture of a wind turbine | GSI | ||
Japanese self-defence force site | 自衛隊 | 26FF | White flag with horizontal middle black stripe | GSI, ARIB | |
Post office (GSI) | 郵便局 | 3036 | Post office mark in circle | GSI | |
Post Office (ARIB) | 郵便局 | 3012 | Post office mark | ARIB | |
Bank | 銀行 | 26FB | Stylized bundō (分銅), a kind of weight formerly used in banks. | GSI, ARIB | |
Library | 図書館 | An open book | GSI | ||
Kindergarten | 幼稚園 | 3245 | Kanji for "infant" in a circle | ARIB | |
Elementary or junior high school | 少学校 中学校 | 6587 | Kanji "bun" | GSI | |
High school (GSI) School (ARIB) |
高等学校 (国土地理院) 学校 (電波産業会) |
3246 | Kanji "bun" in a circle | GSI, ARIB | |
University | 大学 | Kanji "bun" with a smaller kanji 大 (for daigaku) in brackets on top | GSI | ||
Onsen (hot springs) | 温泉 | 2668 | Oval with three vertical wavy lines | GSI, ARIB | |
Historical landmark or place of scenic beauty | 史跡 名勝 | 26EC | Three dots like a "therefore" symbol | GSI, ARIB | |
Campsite | キャンプ場 | 26FA | Tent | ARIB | |
Sports field or gymnasium | 陸上競技場 体育館 | 26F9 | Person with ball | ARIB | |
Bathing beach | 海水浴場 | 26F1 | Umbrella on ground | ARIB | |
Skating rink | アイススケート場 | 26F8 | Ice skate | ARIB | |
Ski slope | スキー場 | 26F7 | A skier | ARIB | |
Marina | マリーナ ヨットハーバー | 26F5 | A sailing boat | ARIB | |
Golf course | ゴルフ場 | 26F3 | Flag in oval | ARIB | |
Park | 公園 | 26F2 | Stylized drinking fountain | ARIB | |
Amusement park ("leisureland") | レジャーランド | 1F17B | A white L on a black square | ARIB | |
Roadsite restaurant | ドライブイン | 26FE | Coffee cup | ARIB | |
Petrol station | ガソリンスタンド | 26FD | Petrol pump | ARIB | |
Shinto Shrine | 神社 | 26E9 | Torii | GSI, ARIB | |
Buddhist temple | 寺院 | FD6 | Manji (swastika) | GSI, ARIB | |
Church | 教会 | 26EA | A church | ARIB | |
Cemetery | 墓場 | 22A5 | Inverted T shape | GSI | |
Grave | 霊園 墓地 | 26FC | Three upturned Ts | ARIB | |
Intersection (ARIB) | 交差点 | 26F6 | Four corners of a square | ARIB | |
Port | 港湾 | 2693 | An anchor | ARIB | |
Fishing port | 漁港 | GSI | |||
Local port | 地方港 | An anchor | GSI | ||
Major port | 重要港 | GSI | |||
Airport | 空港 飛行場 | 2708 | An aeroplane | ARIB | |
Railway station | 駅 | 24C8 | A circled capital S | ARIB | |
Department store | デパート | 24B9 | A circled capital D | ARIB | |
Telephone company | 電話会社 | 260E | Telephone | ARIB | |
Prefectural Office | 県庁 | 2B56 | Oval bullseye | ARIB | |
Government administration office | 官公署 | 26E3 | Heavy circle with stroke and two dots above; variant of kanji 公 | GSI | |
City Hall or Ward Office (Tokyo) | 市役所 区役所 (東京) | 2B57 | Two concentric circles, the outer one heavier | ARIB, GSI | |
Town or Village Hall or Ward Office (excluding Tokyo) | 町村役場 区役所 (東京以外) | 2B58 | Circle | GSI, ARIB | |
Tax office | 税務署 | A stylized abacus bead. | GSI | ||
Court of Law | 裁判所 | GSI | |||
Old people's home | 老人ホーム | GSI | |||
Hotel | ホテル | 1F157 | White H on a black circle | ARIB | |
Car park | 駐車場 | 1F15F | White P on a black square | ARIB | |
Junction | ジャンクション | 1F179 | White J on a black square | ARIB | |
Cultural facility | 文化施設 | 1F17C | White M on a black square | ARIB | |
Interchange | インターチェンジ ランプ | 1F18B | Letters IC on a black square | ARIB | |
Parking area | パーキングエリア | 1F18C | Letter P on a black square | ARIB | |
Service area | サービスエリア | 1F18D | Letters SA in white on a black background | ARIB | |
Crater or Fumarole | 噴火口 噴気口 | GSI | |||
mountain | 山 | 26F0 | Mountain | ARIB | |
Forestry station | 森林管理署 | Tenshotai kanji for tree (see What are the different styles of Japanese lettering? for more about tenshotai). | GSI | ||
Rice field | 田 | Stylized stumps of rice plants | GSI | ||
Tea plantation | 茶畑 | GSI | |||
Barren land | 荒地 | Stylized weeds | GSI | ||
Mulberry field | 桑畑 | A stylized mulberry tree | GSI | ||
Bamboo forest | 竹林 | A stylized bamboo | GSI | ||
Field (except rice) | 畑 | A stylized seedling | GSI | ||
Orchard | 果樹園 | A hanging fruit | GSI | ||
Deciduous forest | 広葉樹林 | GSI | |||
Site of a castle or castle ruins | 城跡 | 26EB | Castle | ARIB | |
Monument | 記念碑 | GSI | |||
Museum | 博物館 | GSI | |||
Chimney | 煙突 | GSI | |||
Broadcasting tower | 電波塔 | GSI | |||
High tower | 高塔 | GSI | |||
Car ferry | 渡船(フェリー) | A boat seen from above, with a line to distinguish it from a non-car ferry | GSI | ||
Ferry (GSI) | 渡船(その他の旅客船) | A boat seen from above | GSI | ||
Ferry (ARIB) | フェリー発着所 | 26F4 | A ferry | ARIB | |
Mine | 採鉱地 | Two pickaxes (つるはし) | GSI | ||
Triangulation point | 三角点 | 25EC | Dot in upward-pointing triangle | GSI | |
Electronic triangulation point | 電子基準点 | Dot in upward-pointing triangle with flag | GSI | ||
Benchmark | 水準点 | 22A1 | Dot in square | GSI | |
Meteorological observatory | 気象台 | GSI | |||
Quarry | 採石地 | GSI | |||
Cave or tunnel entrance | 坑道 | GSI |
See also What are the names of the Japanese non-kana, non-kanji symbols?
The map symbol diagrams are extracted from three sources (1) Japanese map symbols made for Wikipedia[2] (2) The Wada Lab ARIB font[3] (3) Supplementary SVG symbols created by Ben Bullock. Thanks to Tamas Kerecsen for many additions and Unicode code points.
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